
1. Egresi I. (2010), Foreign Direct Investment in Romania: A Geographical Perspective. Saarbrücken, Germania: Verlag Dr. Müller |full text|.​

2. Egresi I. (Ed.) (2016), Alternative Tourism in Turkey: Role, Potential Development and Sustainability. Cham, Elvetia: Springer International (ISBN 978-3-319-47535-6) |full text|.​


Capitole în cărți

1. Egresi I. (2016), Post-Fordism, Alternative Tourism and Sustainability. In I. Egresi (Ed.), Alternative Tourism in Turkey: Role, Potential Development and Sustainability (pp. 271-283). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International |full text|.

2. Egresi I., Buluç M. (2016), Local Gastronomy: A Tasty Tourist Attraction in Turkey. In I. Egresi (Ed.), Alternative Tourism in Turkey: Role, Potential Development and Sustainability (pp. 229-246). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International |full text|.

3. Egresi I., Arslan S. (2016), Shopping and Tourism in Turkey: The Perfect Combination. In I. Egresi (Ed.), Alternative Tourism in Turkey: Role, Potential Development and Sustainability (pp. 211-228). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International |full text|.

4. Egresi I. (2016), Alternative Tourism: Definition and Characteristics. In I. Egresi (Ed.), Alternative Tourism in Turkey: Role, Potential Development and Sustainability (pp. 57-69). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International |full text|.

5. Egresi I. (2016), Tourism and Sustainability in Turkey: Negative Impact of Mass Tourism Development. In I. Egresi (Ed.), Alternative Tourism in Turkey: Role, Potential Development and Sustainability (pp. 35-53). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International |full text|.

6. Egresi I. (2016), Globalization, Mass Tourism and Sustainable Development. In I. Egresi (Ed.), Alternative Tourism in Turkey: Role, Potential Development and Sustainability (pp. 3-22). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International |full text|.



1. Egresi I. (2007), Foreign Direct Investment in a Recent Entrant to the European Union: The Case of the Romanian Automotive Industry. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 48, 6: 748-764 |full text|.​

2. Egresi I. (2011), Political Ideology and the Representation of the World in the Romanian Geography Textbooks: 1950-2008. In A. Demirci, L. Chalmers, Y. Arı and J. Lidstone, Building Bridges between Cultures through Geographical Education (Proceedings of the IGU-CGE Istanbul Symposium, July 8-10, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 77-82. Istanbul: IGU Commission on Geographical Education & Fatih University (ISBN: 978-975-303-110-3) |full text|.​

3. Egresi I. (2011), The Curse of the Gold: Discourses Surrounding the Project of the Largest Pit-Mine in Europe. Human Geographies, 5, 2: 57-68 |full text|.​

4. Egresi I., Bayram B., Kara F., Kesik O. A. (2012), Unlocking the Potential of Religious Tourism in Turkey. Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 9, 1: 62-79 |full text|.​

5. Egresi I., Bayram B., Kara F. (2012), Tourism at Religious Sites: A Case from Mardin, Turkey. Geographica Timisiensis, 21, 1: 5-15 |full text|.​

6. Egresi I., Kara F. (2012), The Geographical Dynamics and Characteristics of Turkish FDI in the Balkans. Balkan Studies, 1, 1: 398-417 (Proceedings of the 1st International Balkan Congress, 24-25 September, Istanbul, Turkey) |full text|.​

7. Egresi I. (2012), The Representation of "Other" in Early Romanian Geography Textbooks. Ozean Journal of Applied Sciences, 5, 3: 194-199 |full text|.​

8. Egresi I., Bayram B., Kara F. (2012), Economic Impact of Religious Tourism in Mardin, Turkey. Journal of Economics and Business Research, 18, 2: 7-22 |full text|.​

9. Egresi I. (2012), Ideology Changes and the Representation of Other Cultures in the Romanian Geography Textbooks after 1948. Ozean Journal of Social Sciences, 5, 3: 105-117 |full text|.​

10. Egresi I. (2013), The Representation of "Other" Cultures in the Romanian Geography Textbooks Published During the First Half of the 20th Century. European Journal of Educational Studies, 5, 1: 63-71 |full text|.​

11. Egresi I., Kara F. (2013), Development of Alternative Forms of Tourism in Istanbul: Costs and Benefits. In, A. Demirci and Y. Arı (eds.), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Turkish Association of Geographers, Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey, 19-21 June, pp. 325-333 (ISBN: 978-605-86453-1-8) |full text|.​

12. Kara F., Egresi I. (2013), Accessibility of Health Care Institutions: A Case Study Using GIS. International Journal of Scientific Knowledge, 3, 4: 16-27 |full text|.​

13. Egresi I., Kara F. (2014), Motives of Tourists Attending Small-Scale Events: The Case of Three Local Festivals and Events in Istanbul, Turkey. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 7, 2: 94-111 |full text|.​

14. Egresi I., Kara F. (2014), Economic and Tourism Impact of Small Events: The Case of Small-Scale Festivals in Istanbul, Turkey. Studia UBB Geographia, 59, 1: 47-59 |full text|.​

15. Egresi I., Hoşgeçin T. (2014), Ethnic Tourism: An Example from Istanbul. Geographia Napocensis, 8, 1: 37-50 |full text|.​

16. Bello A., Egresi I. (2014), The Geography of Islamic Finance in Turkey. In, M. Ertürk, A. Uzun and Ş. Dancioğlu (eds.), Proceedings of the International Congress of the Turkish Association of Geographers, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Muğla, Turkey, 4-6 June, pp. 689-697 |full text|.​

17. Bello A., Egresi I. (2014), Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Housing in Kano State, Nigeria. In, M. Ertürk, A. Uzun and Ş. Dancioğlu (eds.), Proceedings of the International Congress of the Turkish Association of Geographers, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Muğla, Turkey, 4-16 June, pp. 2-10 |full text|.​

18. Egresi I., Kara F. (2015), Foreign Policy Influences on Outward Direct Investments: The Case of Turkey. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 17, 2: 181-203 |full text|.​

19. Egresi I. (2015), Tourists' Shopping Satisfaction in Istanbul's Traditional Markets. In, Proceedings of the Geobalcanica International Scientific Conference, Skopje, Macedonia, 5-7 June, pp. 291-298 |full text|.​

20. Egresi I., Kara F. (2015), Predictors of Tourists' Shopping Propensity: A Case from Istanbul. Geographia Technica, 10, 2: 29-40 |full text|.​

21. Egresi I., Belge R. (2015), Development of Islamic Banking in Turkey. Annals of "Constantin Brancusi" University, Economy Series, 5, 6: 5-20 |full text|.​

22. Egresi I., Kara F. (2015), Foreign Investors from Emerging Economies: The Geography of Turkish Investments in Romania. Revista Romana de Geografie Politica, 17, 2: 63-64 |full text|.​

23. Egresi I., Polat D. (2016), Assessing Tourists’ Satisfaction with their Shopping Experience in Istanbul. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 9(2): 172-186 |full text|.

24. Egresi I. (2016), The Role of Innovation in the Restructuring of the Tourism Industry. In, Proceedings of 11th International Silk Road Conference: Innovations in Business, Education and Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia, May 20-21, pp. 107-112 |full text|.

25. Egresi I., Belge R. (2017), Islamic Banking in Turkey: Population Perceptions and Development Challenges. Revista Romană de Geografie Politică, 19(1), 30-55 |full text|.

26. Bello A., Egresi I. (2017), Housing Conditions in Kano, Nigeria: A Qualitative Assessment of Adequacy. Analele Universitatii Oradea, Seria Geografie, 27(2), 205-229 |full text|.

27. Egresi I. (2017), Tourists’ Satisfaction with Their Shopping Experience in Istanbul Malls: Assessment Based on Reviews Posted on TripAdvisor. Tourism: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 65(3), 330-345 |full text|.

28. Egresi I. (2017), Tourist Market Segmentation by Motivation to Shop: A Case Study of Istanbul, Turkey. Geographica Pannonica, 21(4), 243-260 |full text|.

29. Egresi I., Kara F. (2018), Residents’ Attitudes to Tourists Visiting their Mosques: A Case Study from Istanbul, Turkey. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 16(1), 1-21. DOI: 10.1080/14766825.2016.1192182 |full text|.

30. Egresi I. (2018), “Tourists go home!” – Tourism overcrowding and “tourismphobia” in European cities (Can tourists and residents still co-habitate in the city?). In, L. Pedata, E. Perfido and L. Rossi, (Co) Habitation Tactics: Imagining Future Spaces in Architecture, City and Landscape, pp. 701-714. (Proceedings of TAW 2018 International Scientific Conference, POLIS University, Tirana, Albania, 20-23 September) |full text|.

31. Egresi I., Prakash T.G.S.L. (2019), What makes wildlife tourists happy and what disappoints them? Learning from reviews posted on TripAdvisor. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 24(1), 102-117 |full text|.

32. Răcăşan Bianca Simona, Egresi, I. (2019), Tourism, branding and territorial identity in the rural space: Local authorities’ perspective. Territorial Identity and Development, 4(2), 18-38 |full text|.

33. Egresi I., Puiu V., Zotic V., Alexandru Diana-Elena (2020), Attributes that contribute to guest satisfaction: A comparative study of reviews posted on booking.com and on Arbnb’s platform. Acta Geobalcanica, 6(1), 7-17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18509/AGB.2020.01 |full text|.

34. Egresi I. (2020), Perception of tourism impact: A comparative analysis between Turkish and international students studying in Turkey. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 21(1), 325-333 |full text|.

35. Răcăşan Bianca Simona, Egresi, I. (2020), How do undergraduate students choose their field course and how satisfied are they with their fieldwork experience? Romanian Review of Geographical Education, 9(1), 5-20 |full text|.

36. Egresi I., Răcăşan Bianca Simona, Dezsi Ş., Ilieş M., Ilieş G. (2020), Christmas markets in city centers: How do they impact local residents and businesses? International Journal of Tourism Cities |full text|.

37. Zotic V., Alexandru Diana-Elena, Egresi I. (2020), General features of road crashes in Cluj County, Romania. Spatiality and causality. Territorial Identity and Development, 5(1), 99-123. DOI: 10.23740/TID120205 |full text|.